Below script allows to remove ESET product from Windows 10 / 11 without entering to Recovery Mode nor system restart.
#WMI object refreshing net stop winmgmt /y winmgmt /resetrepository net start winmgmt # retriving GUID for ESET $eset = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Product | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "*ESET*" } $esetVersion = $ $Win32_Product_query = "SELECT * FROM AntivirusProduct WHERE displayName = '$esetVersion'" $SecurityCenter2_query = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SecurityCenter2" -Query "SELECT * FROM AntivirusProduct WHERE displayName = 'ESET Endpoint Security'" $SecurityCenter2_query2 = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SecurityCenter2" -Query "SELECT * FROM AntivirusProduct WHERE displayName = 'ESET Security'" if ($eset) { # display GUID $eset | Select-Object Name, IdentifyingNumber # ESET deinstallation $msiGuid = $eset.IdentifyingNumber $msiexecArgs = "/x $msiGuid /quiet /norestart" Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList $msiexecArgs -Wait Write-Host "ESET has been successfully uninstalled." } else { Write-Host "ESET was not found on this system" -BackgroundColor Green; } if ($SecurityCenter2_query) { $SecurityCenter2_query | Remove-WMIObject Write-Host "ESET Endpoint Security record was found in the root\SecurityCenter2 namespace. The record has been deleted" -BackgroundColor Green; } if ($SecurityCenter2_query2) { $SecurityCenter2_query2 | Remove-WMIObject Write-Host "ESET Security record was found in the root\SecurityCenter2 namespace. The record has been deleted" -BackgroundColor Green; } #REMOVE POSSIBLE QUARANTINE FOLDERS $quarantine_folders = @( "C:\ProgramData\ESET\ESET NOD32 Antivirus\Quarantine", "C:\ProgramData\ESET\ESET Internet Security\Quarantine", "C:\User\AppData\Local\ESET\ESET Security" "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\ESET" ) foreach ($quarantine_folder in $quarantine_folders) { if (Test-Path $quarantine_folder) { try { Remove-Item -Path $quarantine_folder -Recurse -Force Write-Host "Folder: $quarantine_folder has been deleted." -ForegroundColor Green } catch { Write-Host "An error occurred while deleting a folder: $quarantine_folder $_" -ForegroundColor Red } } else { Write-Host "Folder $quarantine_folder not exist." -ForegroundColor Yellow } }